Who does JD think he’s fooling
(besides Trump)?
Does he not know we all have
receipts? He’s thinking what everybody else is thinking. He knows how
dangerous Donald Trump is. He knows Trump’s a wannabe dictator. He’s
said just about the worst things imaginable about the guy. Now he’s
Trump’s VP pick.
Some might just call it naked
opportunism. Us? We know what’s really going on. He’s a

Don’t you think Trump ought to know
his VP pick is lying in wait? Cue the ketchup. We’re running this all
over the RNC right now. Help
us make sure we can do it again tomorrow >>
-The Lincoln Project
PS – don’t worry. Every awful
position JD Vance has ever taken – from a national abortion ban to
handing Ukraine to Putin to forcing women to stay with abusive
partners – and there’s more – we’re going to make sure the most
critical swing voters see them. But this one? This one’s for one very
angry orange man who tends to not take criticism well…