News from Representative Guest

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Dear Friend,

I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach me via my Contact  page or by calling 202-225-5031.


“[I]t was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening”

On July 13, 2024, there was an assassination attempt on the life of President Donald J. Trump. What happened was shocking and unacceptable. Haley and I are praying for President Trump and our country. We are both thankful that God spared the life of President Trump.

In light of these events, the Committee on Homeland Security will be leading the Congressional inquiry into the attempted assassination of President Trump. As Vice Chairman of that committee, I will do everything I can to see that the American people get the answers they deserve.



I Want Your Opinion


Thank you to everyone for participating in my surveys at the end of each eNewsletter. I would like to know what is important to my readers so that I can know how to best serve you.



What issues are most important to you?



Coming to Your Area Soon

My staff will be onsite in Scott County on July 18th and Simpson County on July 23rd. We would love for you to stop by and say hello or to request assistance with a federal casework matter.  Details are in the graphics below or can be found here or here:




Poll Results from Last Week

Last week, I asked if you were concerned about our national security due to reports on President Biden’s health, and 89 percent of survey respondents indicated that were concerned. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and X to stay up-to-date on my work serving you.



Weekly Poll

I ask. You answer.


Question: Do you support President Trump?



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