John, Project 2025 is a far-right manifesto that outlines the irreparable damage extreme MAGA Republicans plan to jam down the throats of the American people should the Insurrectionist-in-Chief be reelected.

The twice-impeached former president’s allies have laid out a blueprint of extreme ideas for the future of our country. With just a handful of seats separating Democrats and a House majority, we must work to protect our freedoms and stop Project 2025 from becoming a reality. Will you chip in $3 right now to help ensure the DCCC has the resources to fight GOP extremism, protect our Frontline Democrats and flip the House blue in November?

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You deserve to know precisely what GOP extremists aim to do if they win in just a few short months:

Project 2025 calls for a nationwide abortion ban.

Project 2025 calls to dismantle the Department of Education.

Project 2025 calls to privatize Medicare, limiting healthcare access for working Americans.

Project 2025 calls for increasing costs on the middle class while giving a tax break to ultra wealthy billionaire donors.

Reclaiming the House majority for Democrats is one of our last opportunities to safeguard our democracy from GOP destruction.

John: If you’re ready to stand up against Project 2025, take back the House majority and HALT the extreme MAGA Republican agenda, can you chip in $3 to the DCCC right now? Your support today means everything at this critical moment in the fight for our democracy.

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Keep the faith,


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