![]() Patriot, It happened. Last Saturday, the event that many people predicted finally occurred: a deranged shooter attempted to take the life of former President Donald Trump. Miraculously, the shot missed by just millimeters, and an almost unimaginable national catastrophe was narrowly averted. Now they want us all to forget all about it, because they depend on that fear and loathing to affect the November
election. “All’s well that ends well!” Except all is not well. The former president – and Republican nominee for next president – was very nearly assassinated. The Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, said this week it was her call to keep snipers inside the building the attempted assassin eventually used as his shooting perch. But until we have a truly impartial, transparent, and thorough investigation, we do not know how this could have happened. The official explanation is the U.S. Secret Service – the agency the President of the United States, Joe Biden, relies upon every day for protection from the number one threat to America, “domestic terrorists” – simply screwed up. According to the official story, the heroic men and women of the Secret Service permitted an assassin to drive up, climb up to the single most convenient elevated point from which to take aimed shots, and after about 26 minutes of being identified, take multiple shots at the former president. If this is actually true – and this is the narrative they are going with – the head of the Secret Service and other agents in charge must be fired immediately as a first step. The government must also terminate its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) policies that led them to intentionally hire unqualified candidates for critical jobs. But more importantly, we need a true, impartial investigation to get to the bottom of this, because it is hard to believe mere incompetence is possible at this scale. Many prominent security experts have pointed this out. The Secret Service should be a well-oiled machine if our country is to avoid tragedies like the Kennedy assassination and the near assassination of Ronald Reagan. There is no explanation why it should not be. Of course, there is a much darker possibility that some commentators are questioning . . . that elements of the Secret Service were complicit in Saturday’s events. This possibility cannot simply be dismissed out of hand. Not when the media, powerful politicians and their Deep State pals, and even President Biden himself have shrieked their views that Donald Trump is an existential threat to America for years. And the explanations given by the Secret Service do not make sense. For example, Cheatle, the Director of the Secret Service, claimed the roof the shooter used was too sloped to safely put a sniper team on. That’s not only ridiculous, but the roof was less sloped than the roof the counter-snipers were perched on. When a story doesn’t make sense, it is not true. Regardless of your views (or mine) on Donald Trump, the truth of this egregious failure needs to be brought to light. Too often government investigations result in government bureaucrats covering for their brethren and not doing anything to rock the boat. But the Deep State is relentless. The entire power structure of America has proven they will stop at nothing to prevent a second Trump administration – impeachment, lawfare, attempts to remove him from the ballot, election fraud . . . the list is endless. That’s why we must DEMAND a complete and thorough and honest investigation into the Secret Service that allowed a shooter to scale a rooftop and nearly assassinate the former – and perhaps future – President of the United States. ![]() Already the Inspector General is looking into this. But we cannot rely on the executive branch to conduct a truly impartial investigation. Every single member of the Secret Service involved that fateful day should be thoroughly investigated. Every single decision – from the decision not to eliminate the obvious imminent threat on the roof to the decision not to remove the former president from the stage the moment it was determined the area was not secure – must be thoroughly probed. In fact, media is reporting the shooter was first spotted on the roof before Trump was even on the stage! Many statists in D.C. – Republican AND Democrat – are already moving on and going back to business as usual. It’s up to you and me to tell our representatives in Congress to demand a full, thorough, transparent, and honest investigation of what happened last weekend in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service and FBI cannot be trusted to investigate themselves. It must come from an impartial panel created by Congress. It cannot come from the executive branch. Tell your lawmakers right now: WE DEMAND A FULL, TRANSPARENT, AND HONEST INVESTIGATION! ![]() Then, after you’ve sent your directive to Congress, please help us gather more signatures by forwarding this message on and making a generous contribution. We must spread the word and show Congress WE MEAN IT. The mass media wants you to forget this ever happened. The statists want you to forget this ever happened. The Deep State especially wants you to put this in the past. But last weekend, America dodged a bullet. And we deserve to know how the Secret Service – paid for by our tax dollars – allowed it to happen. For Liberty, Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty P.S. It really is unthinkable what America might be like right now had the assassin’s bullet met its target. A national convention in total chaos. Riots in the streets. A future presidency many Americans would regard as illegitimate. All of that was averted – by a miracle. Did the Secret Service fail to prevent it . . . or allow it to happen? The American people deserve answers, and we must demand them! Contact your congressman and senators right now. Tell your lawmakers right now: WE DEMAND A FULL, TRANSPARENT, AND HONEST INVESTIGATION! ![]() If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |