Dear Subscriber, 

I just wanted to make sure you saw the note Jarrett sent you last week.  

Here at City Limits we are committed to bringing you independent, community-based journalism focusing on issues that are largely underreported.

To better serve you during this crisis, our reporting has been reprioritized to show you how the disadvantaged, the elderly, and minority groups, are faring. We are in the process of bringing a full-time reporter to our team who will be solely dedicated to the coronavirus beat. 

Report For America will fund half the salary for this new position. We are on our way to raise the other half, but we need your support
Would you help us accomplish this goal? 

Yes, I'll donate
We'll get through this together. 

Thank you, 
Fran Reilly
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jarrett Murphy, City Limits <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: What should we be doing in this crisis? 
To:< [email protected] >
Dear Subscriber,  

One question we've heard often during the COVID-19 crisis is, "what should I be doing?" 

At City Limits, doing something has looked like: 
  • Up-to-date reporting on state efforts to make testing available in communities of color. 
  • Investigating how this crisis is affecting vulnerable populations across the city, from immigration detainees to inmates in city jails. 
  • Compiling a resource library to help readers like you access key public health information, official resources, mutual aid networks, and more. 
We've published more than 90 articles on the crisis since mid-March and there's more to come: pieces on mortgage rules, grocery workers, food pantries, development implications, child welfare, and more. 

In short, we're here for you. We're committed to getting the facts straight and keeping our journalism accessible to everyone in our community. 

Now we need your support more than ever. As mentioned, we are bringing in a reporter, through a partnership with Report For America, to solely focus on the COVID-19 beat. We need to raise $25,000 to fund that beat -- and we need your help to do it. 

Your donation will help us advance our COVID-19 coverage in NYC and show you how it is affecting people of color, the elderly, and marginalized communities. 

Will you help us keep this work going? 
Yes, I'll donate now!
If you've got questions about this crisis that you'd like our newsroom to look into, tell us your story here. We're listening. I appreciate your commitment to the truth. 

With gratitude, 
Jarrett Murphy
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