CND is looking forward to welcoming members to this year's AGM and Policy Conference, which will take place online on Saturday 5 October. 


Conference is an important part of CND's democratic structure and offers members the opportunity to help elect officers and decide the campaigning priorities for the leadership throughout the next year. You must be a paid-up member of CND in order to attend and can do so here.


On Saturday 12 October, CND is holding a major public conference event in Central London, further details will be announced shortly.This public event is open to members and non-members alike. 

For more information on submitting nominations for Officers and directly elected Council members, how to register for the AGM and Policy Conference, and for the full pre-Conference schedule, go to our dedicated CND Conference 2024 page here


CND, spycops and the secret state


On Monday, 15 July, CND General Secretary Kate Hudson gave evidence at the ‘Spycops’ Undercover Policing Inquiry that is investigating decades of undercover policing work and its impact on individuals and organisations.


Kate was representing CND which is a ‘core participant’ in the Inquiry, owing to the fact that it was infiltrated by undercover police officers during the 1980s at the height of CND’s mass campaigning against cruise missiles. The session looked particularly at the use of undercover policing within CND and the wider anti-nuclear movement between 1983 and the early 1990s.

CND's legal team came from the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC), and the session unveiled “a clear and deeply alarming use of political undercover policing by the then Conservative government” and the “most explicit example of subverting parliamentary democracy uncovered” by the inquiry so far.


You can find links to a summary by PILC, CND's written statement to the UCPI, and a recording of Kate's testimony here.


Upcoming  Events


Thursday, 17 July

  • Eurobomb? No thanks! Preventing nuclear proliferation in Europe – CND webinar, register here.
  • Hands Around Parliament protest to call on the British government to stop arming Israel. 6pm, Parliament Square. More details here

Saturday, 19 July

  • Day of action at RAF Lakenheath as part of ongoing peace camp and 24/7 vigil against the return of US nuclear bombs to Britain. For more details on the programme of events, go to the Lakenheath Alliance for Peace website

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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom