John —

The Republican National Convention is broadcasting live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin all week long.

Donald Trump announced J.D. Vance as his running mate for vice president.

Nearly two dozen Republican senators and Senate candidates will call attention to the most competitive races that will decide the Senate majority.

The Republican Party will be the focus of media attention — which they will attempt to turn into the momentum they believe will not only elect Donald Trump, but sweep Republican majorities in the House and Senate into power.

Cory has often spoken of the need for our politics to represent the best of our nature and the highest ideals of our democracy — to lead with love.

That need has never been more apparent than it is right now.

Will you chip in $5 to help Cory and our campaign work toward the more just, loving nation that we can become?

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Thank you for standing with Cory and our campaign in this historic moment for our country.

— Team Booker