Wondering what you can do to ensure Gen-Z takes action in November?

Dear John,

Are you worried about the youth vote in 2024? Wondering what you can do to ensure Gen-Z takes action in November?

The Tour To Save Democracy will visit over 20 “red-to-blue” vulnerable swing districts to inspire youth action and get out the vote to secure a Democratic trifecta in Congress in November! Completely led by young people, the Tour To Save Democracy is a summer bus tour across the nation with one goal: Flip. Seats. Blue!

The tour will stop at 2 locations in California this summer! Sign up today to join a tour stop near you!

CA27 - July 18 »CA03 - July 19 »

“Our generation has to deal with the detrimental impact of the climate crisis, daily mass shootings, and a national abortion ban, all while democracy faces unprecedented challenges. More than anything, we want progress on solving these issues, but that is impossible while Republicans hold a majority in Congress. We’re going on tour to change that.”

—Sam Schwartz, Executive Director of Tour To Save Democracy

See you soon, 


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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States