Republican Jewish Coalition

Where Would We Be Without Senator Susan Collins?

John -- 

I can’t imagine where we would be without Susan Collins fighting for us in the US Senate, but I can promise you that we wouldn’t have Justice Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, and Democrats would have gotten 50 votes in the Senate to remove President Trump, the most pro-Israel, pro-Jewish President in American history.

That’s what hangs in the balance in the Maine US Senate race in 2020. We can’t allow the Democrats to replace Susan with another rubber stamp for Chuck Schumer who will sell out Israel, put liberals on the Supreme Court, obstruct President Trump, raise your taxes, endanger free and fair trade agreements, and send American tax dollars to Iran.

Susan Collins’ Vote Might Be The Only Thing That Can Stop Democrats From Giving Your Money to the #1 State-Sponsor of Terrorism, Iran - Help Her Today!

I implore you to give what you can to Senator Collins’ reelection campaign through the RJC PAC portal. Senator Collins will see your support and the fact that it came through the RJC PAC - she will know that you and the RJC stand with her. 

Can I count on your support for Susan Collins?


Senator Norm Coleman

RJC National Chairman


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