Friend, Earth Day is really about children. The planet they'll inherit is in peril, and it's on us to take action now so that we leave them in good hands. We've got to do something — if not on Earth Day, when?
While all our attention is focused on the coronavirus pandemic, we want to remember another global crisis today on Earth Day: climate change.
We need our leaders to take immediate, decisive action to save our planet — and that starts with us. On Earth Day, urge your senators to cosponsor the International Climate Accountability Act, which ensures that the United States remains in the Paris Agreement >>
Children everywhere are feeling the devastating effects of a climate we changed. Their new reality includes more frequent and more extreme natural disasters, flooding, droughts and heat waves — which leads to trauma, closed schools, disrupted learning, decimated neighborhoods and displacement.
Tell your senators to support the Paris Agreement and protect children from the devastating impacts of climate change >>
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