Sign up for family-friendly fun to celebrate 2A rights
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Gun Owners of America

One Month Until the Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit

Register and reserve your special rate hotel room today!

We are one month away from the inaugural Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit in Knoxville, Tennessee, and space is filling up fast!

GOALS, sponsored by Brownells, is a family-friendly event that will have all your favorite companies and personalities from across the industry. Not only that, you will enjoy panels and speakers covering almost every subject you could think of involving firearms, 2A activism, and how to advance the GOA No Compromise mission.

Do you want to check out new gear and firearms from your favorite companies? Or how about:

  • Learn how to be a better 2A Advocate and win at the ballot box and in the courts?
  • Prepare yourself and your family for emergencies?
  • Meet and hear from all of the best people in the 2nd Amendment space—including Brandon Herrera (the AK Guy), John Lovell of the Warrior Poet Society, and more?

Then you need to register for GOALS right away!

Would you like to attend free talks and training on Stop the Bleed, Activism, homeschooling, and more?

Or how about enjoying live music and comedy shows from people that support our mission and your rights?

And you can do all of it at a family friendly event, where there will be activities for kids.

Speaking of kids: you can extend your stay in Tennessee for a family vacation at a nearby amusement park (like Dollywood) or to go hiking, fishing, historical sightseeing and more!

There’s a lot to do in eastern Tennessee. But it all centers around the biggest gun rights get-together this summer. It will truly be Christmas in August for gun owners.

To experience this inaugural event, you need to be in Knoxville, Tennessee this August 17th and 18th for the Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit!

By the way, GOA members, spouses, and their children under 18 years old get in free.

And if you are not currently a GOA member, you can sign up today or at the door to gain access to all this and more. Your membership and contributions directly support all the work GOA does to protect, defend, and restore the 2nd Amendment.

Register HERE if you haven't already done so and secure your special room rate at hotels within walking distance of the convention center HERE to make the whole weekend easy and stress free.

More panels, guest speakers, events, and exhibitors are being announced every day, so make sure to stay tuned on social media and in your email inbox.

In Liberty,

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President

P.S. Come in early on August 16th and watch Johnny B’s Spice Friday Live from GOALS at the Knoxville Amphitheater.

P.P.S. If you have not reserved your hotel, click here for GOA’s special room rates.

Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit
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Gun Owners of America · 8001 Forbes Pl., Ste. 202, Springfield, VA 22151, United States
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