John, did you see my message? On the
anniversary of civil rights icon John R. Lewis's passing, I hope you'll
join us to honor his legacy by advocating for a stronger democracy
As we approach the upcoming elections, it's more important than ever to understand where our candidates stand on pro-democracy reforms and how we can hold them accountable.
That's why I hope you'll join us this Wednesday, July 17 at 8pm EDT for an engaging webinar about the Common Cause Democracy Survey 2024, which will ensure voters are well-informed about candidates' positions on crucial democracy issues >>
Common Cause Democracy Survey 2024 is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges facing our democracy today.
By asking candidates for Congress and various state offices about their stance on key democratic reforms, we empower voters with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions at the polls.
And our campaign doesn't stop at the ballot box – we are committed to ensuring that elected officials follow through on their promises and take concrete steps towards making our government more transparent, accountable, and representative.
John, you won't want to miss what promises to be an informative discussion – RSVP now >>
I hope to see you there!
Ariel Singleton, National Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. Can't make it to the webinar? RSVP anyways and we'll send you a recording after!