July 2024
Summer is Our Growing Season!
Summer 2024 programming is well underway, offering elementary, middle and high schoolers a season packed with fun and enriching activities!  We start with team-building, and then dive into arts and crafts, yoga, social-emotional skill-building and sports as well as a range of field trips and job and college readiness workshops provided by Identity’s Workforce Development team. Identity's commitment to building social-emotional skills and caring human connection shines through in each activity, ensuring participants find inspiration and belonging this summer. READ MORE
Job Fair Makes Connections
Employers from construction, renewable energy, childcare, hotels, insurance and more interviewed youth and parents at Identity’s first in-person Job Fair in June with our workforce coaches at their side. As part of WorkSource Montgomery’s MOCO Yes! Initiative, the Job Fair brought new opportunities and connections to 100 jobseekers and eight local employers.  READ MORE.
Ileana's Workforce Journey
Ileana V. says she has an “entrepreneurial soul”. Trained in management and marketing in her home county, she was forced to flee violence in El Salvador and rebuild a life here. Ileana joined Identity's intensive year-long Entrepreneurship program with dreams of running her own business and earn a living while caring for her young daughter.  READ MORE
Backpack Supply Drive Needs You!
Join friends of Identity who have already donated school supplies and signed up to volunteer at our 4th Annual Backpack Supply Drive.

Check out our WISHLIST and VOLUNTEER opportunities. We're on our way to filling backpacks for 500 young people, many of whom are new to the school system or have fragile connections to their education. And the benefit for them is more than just supplies, but a personal connection and check-in with Identity staff before school starts.
Special thanks to our Backpack Supply Drive Amigo Sponsors.
Donors Tour Our Future Home
We were excited to give donors to Identity’s Transformational Campaign a sneak peak of our future home. Their generous gifts are already working to break down barriers to connection and achievement by scaling up proven programs; piloting new ones; and creating a gathering place for programs and services that transform Identity's client community’s sense of belonging, wellbeing and opportunity. We look forward to celebrating with all Friends of Identity when the renovations are complete.  In the meantime, mil gracias again to everyone who has contributed to the Campaign.
Mil Gracias
A core Sikh tradition is ‘Seva’, meaning selfless service for the benefit of humanity. Identity youth and families are grateful that a newly formed women’s giving group, We Do Seva, donated much needed hygiene supplies for our teens and others with temporarily unstable housing.  Supplies like shampoo, soap and toothbrushes are simple but make a huge impact on feelings of dignity and belonging.  Mil Gracias. 
Natl. School Based Health Alliance Visit
Wheaton High School Wellness Center hosted attendees of the 2024 National School Based Health Alliance’s Annual Conference. Almost 60 conference-goers from all over the country experienced the unique collaboration between MCPS and school staff, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, community-based organizations and families, all working together to support students’ physical health and safety, social and emotional well-being and academic performance. 
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