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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 22 April


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Government has no plans to change assisted dying law, says justice secretary

Robert Buckland has told a parliamentary committee the government has no plans to change the law on assisted dying.

The Telegraph


UK rapper arrested on suspicion of fighting for Islamic State

A former London rapper has been arrested on suspicion of joining Islamic State fighters in Syria.

Sky News


Islamist group kills 52 in 'cruel and diabolical' Mozambique massacre

An Islamist group terrorising northern Mozambique has killed 52 villagers after locals refused to be recruited to their ranks, according to police cited by local media.

The Guardian


London paramedic who told colleagues ‘I don’t like Muslims’ and accused one of ‘looking like Bin Laden’ is struck off

A paramedic was struck off after telling colleagues 'I don't like Muslims' and accusing another of 'dressing like a bomber'.

Mail Online


Huge number of Sikh deaths due to coronavirus, community groups claim

Community groups say almost half of Sikh deaths in the West Midlands over a fortnight have been victims of Covid-19.

Coventry Live


MI5's spy chief expresses 'regret and shame' for the way the service treated gay men and women

Sir Andrew Parker has become the first head of the security service to express "regret and shame" for the way MI5 treated gay men and women in the past.

The Telegraph


Kenyan chiefs go door-to-door to stop female genital cutting amid coronavirus

Village chiefs in Kenya will make house-to-house checks after reports some rural communities were taking advantage of school closures due to the coronavirus to perform FGM on girls, officials and campaigners said.

Thomson Reuters Foundation News


Dutch court approves euthanasia in cases of advanced dementia

Doctors in the Netherlands are able to carry out euthanasia on patients with severe dementia without fear of prosecution even if the patient no longer expresses an explicit wish to die, the country's highest court has ruled.

The Guardian


In case you missed it: latest NSS podcast


Ep 23: The NSS at the UN - interview with Josephine Macintosh

In this week's episode, Emma Park speaks to Josephine Macintosh, a solicitor and vice president of the NSS, about her work representing the NSS at the United Nations.

Josephine discusses her recent presentations on behalf of the NSS at the UN Human Rights Council. She also talks about the constraints that the coronavirus is likely to place on the UN's human rights work.


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