Good afternoon,

Next Tuesday, NZ moves to Alert Level 3 for two weeks, before the Government reviews progress and makes further decisions on 11 May. With any change comes uncertainty and I’ve been working hard to ensure you have the clarity on the rules you need.

Alert Level 3 means some people have a chance to get back to work and businesses to start their recovery journey to their new normal, moving from 'essential' to 'safe'. 

Being 'safe' means having to comply with stringent requirements that include physical distancing and health and safety practices. Some businesses will find the requirements prohibitive to opening at this stage, others will see it as an opportunity to renovate and innovate. 

My latest newsletter has information on what you need to do to ensure you keep yourself and your employees safe, including a handy chart from the Taupo Chamber of Commerce.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has also been flagged as a big issue by many people, so the independent review announced by the Auditor-General will be useful to help understand and hopefully resolve the problem.

Wondering too, if you can go out jet-skiing or boating as yet? The short answer is no, but there are certainly other things you can do to get out and about in your local area.

Other topics being covered today are:

  • economic recovery vs unemployment and the dole
  • education - what is happening next week?
  • primary sector - guidance released for the Forestry sector to commence work

I hope you enjoy this week's topics, as always I welcome your feedback and suggestions of other topics you'd like to hear about.

My team and I are here for you too, please get in touch if you need to.

Hon Louise Upston

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