We can’t let this wishlist become a reality

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

The GOP released their platform and….it’s really something.

“We will be a Nation based on Truth, Justice, and Common Sense.”

Sure, ok.

“Republicans will ensure our Military is the most modern, lethal and powerful Force in the World.”

“Republicans Will End Left-wing Gender Insanity.”

“Keep men out of women’s sports”

Come on.

This sounds like parody but they’re saying the quiet part out loud. Their platform is full of xenophobic, racist, transphobic language and policies aimed at reshaping our society and our federal government to fit their authoritarian ideology.

“We will complete the Border Wall.”

“Begin largest deportation program in American history.”

“Close the Department of Education.”

On stage at the Republican convention this week, this dangerous rhetoric is front and center— along with a VP pick with a history of extreme beliefs on abortion bans.

Make a gift now if you’re fired up and ready to send the far right a message: Your platform doesn’t belong in our government.

We don’t need to hear this again This is what we’re up against—help me fight back
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The Republican platform is foolish — but it’s also callous, cruel, and proof that far-right extremists aren’t backing down.

They’re promising to close the Department of Education and cut federal funding for schools that dare to teach children about America’s history of racism, about race and gender in general — or “other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content”. They want to seal the border to prevent “an invasion of migrants,” and be allowed to freely discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.

It goes on and on and on.

They are stoking fear of diversity — the very diversity that makes this country truly great. They are making promises, not threats — and they’re more organized than last time.

If you’re with me against this toxic agenda, make a contribution of $25 to build toward the transformative change our communities need. A donation today helps me work to enact policies that actually help people, not divide us.

Let’s work together to keep these harmful ideas in the waste bin where they belong. A just America is possible, and we’re working to make it a reality.

Yours in service,
