There's a lot of good stuff in this email, but first, here are your current covid-19 statistics. You can see that the survival rate has gone down a bit in the United States, but it's still very high. What we are dealing with is neither a simple flu, nor is it the next Bubonic Plague. 
This lockdown has had some silver linings. There is time to enjoy the sunset, because for once we are not working as much as we possibly can to make someone else richer. Instead we're helping each other. People are working together. Everyone is spending more time together with their families, eating home cooked meals. There's less traffic on the roads. Accidents are way down. So is air pollution. Condom sales are way up. Love is in the air. You can hear the birds singing.

And in case you haven't noticed, the government has clearly demonstrated that it can come up with trillions of dollars at the drop of a hat. The Trump Administration, like the previous two administrations, has chosen to give the vast majority of that money to the wealthy, but with another stimulus bill imminent, we are seeing (if you look closely) that taxation is not the beginning of the cycle of money, but the end. It starts when the government creates money, and it can do that any time it wishes. If the dollar experiences inflation, it will be because of money hoarded by the wealthy, that did not return to the government in the form of taxes. That means the government can provide healthcare, better education (including college), clean water, internet and a functioning infrastructure of highways and bridges WITHOUT RAISING TAXES OR CUTTING SPENDING. They simply choose not to. That is the cold reality.

The lockdown is also showing us that combating climate change is not just pie-in-the-sky dreaming. It is absolutely possible, beyond any shadow of a doubt, to become carbon neutral. The reality is that we aren't going to keep living like this forever, but we are glimpsing a world with drastically reduced pollution now. The Earth is giving us a look at how things are supposed to be. And it is glorious indeed! Let me share some stories from around the globe with you:
Los Angelinos are enjoying their longest clean air streak since 1995. In a related story, bears in Yosemite are thriving.
The water in Venice is clearer than it has been in years, prompting the return of fish, swans and dolphin.
In India, the Himalayas are visible for the first time in decades.
In a zoo in Hong Kong, a pair of pandas that zookeepers have been trying to get to mate for ten years has finally mated, thanks to the privacy of a closed down zoo.
A huge spike in sea turtle nests is being seen in places like Florida and Thailand.
Penguins are wandering the streets of South Africa.
Monkeys, cows, elephants and stray dogs have taken over the streets of India.
A pair of fin whales has been cruising around the French Riviera, where they rarely go.
Orcas are swimming freely in Vancouver Harbour.
And Adelaide, Australia now belongs to this kangaroo.

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