Dear Supporter,
The 'public sector pay cut' needs to go much, much further

A week ago, we welcomed the Prime Minister's six-month 20% pay
cut for government ministers and public sector CEOs.
However, the announcement came with fine print: the CEO pay
cut only applies to the minority of agencies defined as 'core public
service'. This means most taxpayer-funded CEOs are exempt,
and the announcement saves only a fraction of the money it should.
Here are examples of the top bureaucrats who get to keep their full
salary packet (figures from 2019):
CEO of the Super Fund, $1,065,000
CEO of ACC, $841,000.
Reserve Bank Governor (pictured above), $825,000
CEO of Housing New Zealand, $791,000
Auckland University Vice-Chancellor, $760,000
Police Commissioner, $709,000
Also protected: all District Health Board CEOs, six of whom
earn more than Dr Ashley Bloomfield, who IS taking a pay
MagicTalk's Peter Williams wasn't fooled by the Prime Minster's
decision either:
Williams: The Prime Minister's pay cut wasn't a display of
[...] Leadership from the Prime
Minister would have been joining that trend two weeks ago, not
yesterday, and not after constant badgering from the media and the
Taxpayers' Union.
Over the weekend we wrote to the full list of
taxpayer-funded CEOs, and CEOs of local councils, to ask if they'll be
following the prime minister's lead in taking a voluntary pay cut
– and if they'll extend that pay cut to their leadership
We also asked if they'll freeze pay for ALL non-frontline staff
until the economy recovers.
Public sector pay cuts should apply across the public sector, and
save enough money to do justice for struggling taxpayers. As the
responses come back in, we'll be publishing a dashboard to monitor
which agencies are coming to the table.
Winston's court case spectacularly fails; costs taxpayers a

The Deputy Prime Minister has failed
in his attempt to sue former National Ministers for the leak of
details of how he claimed too much in superannuation.
Make no mistake, this court case cost taxpayers millions of
dollars, all for the sake of Mr Peters’s vanity. Frankly, we say that
it was right all along for the public know that a leading political
figure was for seven years illegally receiving the single person's
pension despite having a partner.
You might have heard Jordan on Magic Talk yesterday calling
on Crown Law to seek an uplift in costs. He had followed the case
closely and predicted last year it was going blow up in Mr Peters'
face. With attack the best form of defence, Mr Peters used this
privacy case as a distraction – but at enormous cost to Crown Law
(i.e. the taxpayer) who had to defend the accused public servants and
The question of how hard to push for solicitor-client costs
is a major test for the Government's lawyers, who are meant to be
politically neutral. They need to fight for taxpayers
Meanwhile, let's remember the rorts Mr Peters would rather we
forgot: why is the Deputy Prime Minister, who is already paid more
than $340,000 by taxpayers, claiming the cherry-on-the-top pension in
the first place? And when will his party pay back the $158,000 they
illegally spent in the 2005 election? That bill is
Auckland Council rages against salary transparency

Our Auckland sister group, the Ratepayers'
Alliance, has raised
Auckland Council's hackles with its plan to release a 'Town Hall
Rich List' that exposes the salaries, names, and photographs of the 85
Council employees who are paid more than $250,000.
Despite the list being compiled from public information sources
(and some clever internet searches), the Council is refusing to verify
the accuracy of the information. The CEO says he objects to the entire
No wonder: when we compare Auckland Council to councils of
equivalent size in Britain, the number paid more than quarter of a
million dollars is shocking.
Ultimately, we'd like to replicate this 'Rich List' for every
council in the country, so it will be interesting to see how this
plays out.
Politicians and commentators prey on wounded taxpayers

You might have seen the Green Party using COVID-19 as an excuse to
spend more of your money on cycleways
and electric
On the flip side of that same agenda, some commentators are using
COVID-19 to campaign for higher taxes.
One recent
Stuff article makes the case for higher income taxes, a new wealth
tax, an extra tax on emissions, a tax on pensioners, and even the
return of the failed capital gains tax proposal! As if taxpayers
weren't struggling enough.
The point is that this is a dangerous time. The COVID-19
crisis will look like an opportunity to many policymakers with a
pro-tax agenda. Our job is to expose and fight off those who
circle around wounded taxpayers like vultures.
Donations to Jacinda Ardern to spend more of your money?

Finally this week, we've got good news for the pro-tax lobby who
often claim they'd be happy to pay more tax.
After some enquiries from your humble Taxpayers' Union, Treasury
has helpfully set up a bank account for New Zealanders to make a
donation to the Government coffers at any time: the
details are here.
So next you see or hear someone say they love paying tax,
make sure you give them the details and ask them to
Have a great week,
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'
PS. If, like us, you're not so sure Jacinda Ardern and her
government are any better than you at spending your money,
consider donating to the pressure group that opposes ever more
spending on pet projects like electric buses, cycleways, and
PPS. We've released another two episodes of our 'Taxpayer Talk'
podcast, discussing the markets' response to COVID-19, and the tricky
question of how to value human life. They're both linked on
KiwiBlog here. You can find all our episodes on Spotify
and Apple