Over half of mass attackers talk about their intent to commit violence. When you recognize the warning signs and take action to report suspicious behavior, you can help Stop A Plot.
Risk factors that may indicate someone is on the pathway to violence include:
- Prior criminal involvement
- Domestic violence
- Mental health concerns
- Substance abuse
- Radicalization
- Not feeling or being accepted in groups
- Stressors like money or relationship problems
If you have information that could prevent an act of violence, Stop A Plot. Speak up. Tips can be reported online or by calling 1-800-MICHTIP at any time. Reporting a tip is safe and confidential.?
Criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees or schools can be reported using OK2SAY.
 The American Association of State Troopers (AAST) ?Best Looking Cruiser Contest? is back, and we need your help to win!
This year?s photo features our Chevy Tahoe equipped with the redesigned, lower profile beacon parked at the entrance of the Electric Forest Festival.
Vote for our iconic Blue Goose now! You can cast your vote once per device. Don?t miss out?the deadline to vote is Monday, July 29 at noon.
The top 13 states will be featured in the 2025 AAST wall calendar. Calendars will be available for purchase at statetroopers.org this fall. Net proceeds from calendar sales benefit the AAST Foundation, which provides educational scholarships to dependents of member troopers.
Last month, several of our members were recognized for excellence by the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police (MACP) for going above and beyond the call of duty and by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for their diligent work to make a difference in the area of education, prevention, policy or enforcement that reduced impaired driving deaths and injuries.
On June 18, the following members received the MACP Medal of Honor, which is awarded to officers who voluntarily distinguish themselves by extraordinary heroism and is the highest award bestowed by the MACP:
- Sgt. Rob Bilacic, Ret., Sgt. Michael Thomas, Tpr. Maxwell Prince, and Tpr. Blaine Stormer with the MSP Emergency Support Team were awarded for their response to a high-risk search warrant for a known felon on March 10, 2023. As part of this incident, Sergeant Thomas and Trooper Prince also received the MACP Purple Heart, which is presented to officers who suffer serious traumatic injury as the direct result of a felonious assault.
- D/Tpr. Brent Haag, Tpr. Blake Ellsworth, and Tpr. Tom Pinkerton were awarded for their actions in a high-risk rolling vehicle takedown of a wanted homicide suspect.
- Tpr. Ryan Akers, Tpr. Carson Crook, Tpr. Jared Knudsen, and Tpr. Sean Park were awarded for their response to a lengthy pursuit with multiple county and local police departments that ended in an exchange of gunfire on August 14, 2023.
Additionally, the MACP Police Cross was posthumously awarded to Tpr. Joel Popp, who was killed in the line of duty on January 24, 2024. Col. James F Grady II and Sgt. Ryan Hare with the Tri-City Post accepted the award on behalf of the Popp family.
On June 21, the following members were recognized at the MADD Award Ceremony in Mount Pleasant:
Outstanding Rookie
- Tpr. Tyler Busch with the Wakefield Post was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts during his first year on the road, including 13 OWI/OUID arrests, three violations of controlled substance arrests, 12 fugitive arrests, and 24 vehicle violation (suspended, no ops, etc.) arrests in 2023.
Outstanding Trooper
- Sgt. Stephen James with the Metro North Post was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 75 arrests for drunk/drugged driving in 2023.
- Tpr. Blaine Borman with the Negaunee Post was recognized for his impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 60 arrests for OWI/OUID, including seven for felony OWI/OUID activity in 2023. Trooper Borman also issued 158 citations and gave 694 verbal warnings.
- Tpr. Samantha Hill with the Monroe Post was recognized for her impaired driving enforcement efforts, including 41 arrests for OWI and 13 arrests for open intoxicants in a motor vehicle in 2023.
Outstanding Law Enforcement Agency
- The Third District Impaired Driving Action Team (IMPACT) was recognized for their efforts in arresting 418 OWI drivers and 62 OUID drivers, resulting in a total of 480 arrests in 2023. The team also completed 19 DRE evaluations.? IMPACT members included Sgt. Ken Campbell, Tpr. Blake Bitner, Tpr. Corbin Holt, Tpr. Todd Kovaluk, Tpr. Dennis Lapan, and Tpr. Abbie Ziesman.
Recognition of Excellence
- Sgt. Jim Janes with the Organizational Development Division was recognized for his expertise as Michigan?s Drug Recognition Expert State Coordinator and Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST)/Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Coordinator. In 2023, Sergeant Janes instructed numerous impaired driving classes to hundreds of officers across Michigan, resulting in over 500 hours of instruction.
Deputy Lewis Tyler Longevity Award
- Lt. Lance Cook was recognized for his dedication to traffic safety, especially in the areas of alcohol and drug enforcement, throughout his 37-year law enforcement career. Lieutenant Cook recently retired from the Special Operations Division, overseeing the Traffic Crash Reconstruction Unit.
Congratulations to all and thank you for your commitment to serving Michiganders!
 Become a motor carrier officer and protect Michigan's roadways!
As armed members of the Michigan State Police, motor carrier officers:
- Enforce traffic safety laws on commercial vehicles
- Protect our infrastructure
- Conduct commercial vehicle and driver inspections
- Support homeland security efforts
- Respond to emergency situations
Work is performed at weigh stations, on road patrol or in specialized units. Motor carrier officers enjoy proactive, independent work with mostly day shifts and limited weekends.
Start your career today at Michigan.gov/MSPJobs.
Accreditation is how organizations measure themselves against industry best practices. The process, which uses recognized and established standards, determines where improvements should be made and can also confirm that an organization is serving its customers effectively.
For the first time in the department?s history, the Michigan State Police (MSP) is seeking law enforcement accreditation.
The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, known as CALEA, is an independent non-profit organization that was created in 1979 by the leading law enforcement executive associations.? The commission establishes standards that are considered foundational for contemporary law enforcement agencies based on best practices that agencies must meet in order to obtain accreditation.
Part of the accreditation process involves soliciting public comment about an agency's compliance with CALEA standards. From now through Sept. 30, Michigan residents are encouraged to provide constructive feedback on the MSP?s quality and delivery of service. Feedback can be submitted direct to CALEA through an online portal.
Are you on Nextdoor? If so, you may start seeing posts from your district?s public information officer! We recently began using Nextdoor's free government platform to inform and educate you and your neighbors about topics relevant to public safety in your community.
As a member of Nextdoor that lives within our jurisdiction, you're auto-subscribed to receive our posts in your feed. Please keep in mind that we cannot see what you and your neighbors discuss; however, we can see your thanks and replies to our posts.
Our Nextdoor account is not monitored 24/7. For emergencies, call 911. To report a crime, contact your local law enforcement agency or MSP post.
Join Nextdoor?today to receive district-specific content!
 On June 24, members of the MSP Tactical Bike Unit had a great time working the Ford Fireworks show on Belle Isle! In addition to assisting with crowd control and traffic, troopers had the opportunity to engage with the community!
July 22: Coffee With A Cop, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Rogers City
July 23: Coffee With A Cop, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Mio
July 24: MSP recruiters at Detroit Works Job Fair, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
July 25: Coffee With A Cop, 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., Harrisville
July 25: MSP Hiring Event, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Port Huron
July 26: Coffee With A Cop, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Alpena
July 26: Troopers on Tour, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saginaw
July 30: MSP Safety Day, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Dimondale
Aug. 1: Coffee With A Cop, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Atlanta
Aug. 4: Troopers on Tour, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Lansing
Aug. 8: MSP Hiring Event, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Canton