Ten years ago, UNESCO declared July 15th World Youth Skills Day,
dedicated to arming the next generation with the tools they need to
not only succeed in the workforce, but also to address global
challenges and work toward a sustainable future.
At EARTHDAY.ORG, we are committed to preparing today’s
youth for our increasingly green economy through Climate
Education. In just the past five years, while environmental
jobs have increased by more than 200%, recent studies show that almost
50% of young people feel like they do not have enough skills to
succeed in a green economy. 1
We’re calling on you to help us spread the word and advance our
campaign to make high-quality climate literacy accessible for all
students. Read
on about the case for Climate Education.
By supporting teachers, curriculum, and policies working to bring
Climate Education into schools and teaching the next generation to
develop Green Muscle Memory, we can make an impact
and leave future generations better prepared to face the climate
As climate change continues to ravage communities across the globe,
it is our responsibility to educate our youth so that they can make a
difference — not only for our generation, but for all of the ones that
come after us.
us turn the tides on Climate Education at
Bryce Coon Director of Education
1. World Economic Forum: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/04/upskill-for-green-jobs-of-the-future
2. Earth Day: https://www.earthday.org/fighting-climate-change-with-green-muscle-memory/