July 15, 2024

Dear Georgian,

I am grateful that President Trump is safe, and I am praying for all rally attendees- especially those who were hurt. My heart goes out to the family of the victim who was killed in this heinous act.

Thank you to the Secret Service and law enforcement officers on the scene who protected our former President.

What happened this weekend was inexcusable- there is no place for such senseless violence in our country.

As President Trump said in response to this attack: “We will fear not, but instead remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness… In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand united, and show our true character as Americans, remaining strong and determined, and not allowing evil to win.”

As always, my staff and I are here to help. If you need assistance with a federal agency or have comments or concerns to share with me, please do not hesitate to call my Warner Robins, Tifton, or Washington, D.C. offices. To receive frequent updates, I encourage you to visit my website, like my Facebook page, follow me on YouTube, and follow me on X.

Keep reading for the full update.



Congressman Austin Scott



Protecting Women's Sports

Earlier this year, President Biden's Department of Education finalized a Title IX rule that disregarded the biological differences between men and women and threatened to destroy protections for women's sports.

Allowing biological men to compete in women's sports is unfair, and Biden's rule would also allow biological men to be in women's locker rooms.

Last week, I joined my colleagues in the House in passing H.J. Res. 165, which disapproves and reverses the Biden Administration's Title IX rule and protects opportunities for biological women.

Read more here.


Passing the SAVE Act

House Republicans believe that only American citizens should vote in our elections.

Last week, we passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act by a vote of 221-198. I cosponsored this legislation and voted in favor of it on the House floor.

This legislation closes the loopholes that allow noncitizen voter registration, enhances election security, minimizes the risk of foreign interference, and restores Americans’ confidence in U.S. elections.

I'm proud to support this effort and will continue to advocate for election integrity.

Read more here.


Fighting for Farmers

On Wednesday, the House Agriculture Committee held a hearing to examine the consequences of unfair Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations on our farmers and producers.

American farmers are the best stewards of the land, but unfortunately, the Biden Administration's bureaucratic overlords have repeatedly imposed unworkable and confusing regulations that make it more difficult for our farmers to do their jobs.

As Vice Chair of the House Agriculture Committee, I asked panelists to speak to the difficulties of navigating the EPA and how we can help in Congress.

Watch the hearing here.




Joins Mornings with Maria to Discuss Biden's Cognitive Decline



The Atlanta Journal-Constitution | Georgia Republicans say Biden’s health deserves more scrutiny

"...U.S. Rep. Austin Scott, R-Tifton, also joined fellow conservatives in suggesting Biden submit to cognitive testing. He said lawmakers in Washington were aware of the declines well before the debate allowed tens of millions of Americans to see the same.

'He’s in bad health,' Scott said. 'I don’t wish him any ill will as a human being; I don’t wish him any harm. But he has shown America what many of us have believed for a long time — that he’s had some reduction in his cognitive abilities.'"

Read more here.


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