
Right-to-Shelter Defenders Back Bill to End 30- and 60-Day Deadlines

In a letter sent to City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams Thursday, the NY SANE Coalition—which represents 65 community and legal services organizations—pressed her and fellow lawmakers to pass bill Intro. 210, which would prohibit the city from putting time limits on homeless shelter stays.

“In the heart of one of the world’s wealthiest cities, approximately 148,000 individuals, including families with children, rely on shelters for a place to sleep each night,” the Coalition’s letter to the speaker reads. “Despite this profound need, New York City’s current shelter policies risk thrusting thousands of recently arrived migrants directly into the harsh realities of street homelessness.”

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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: Grants Pass Decision Will Only Further Marginalize Our Homeless Neighbors

“This will push an already vulnerable population deeper into hopelessness and despair, rather than offering the ‘tough love’ that might inspire them to pull themselves up by their nonexistent bootstraps.”

Read the oped.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

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