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"To God The Lord belong escapes from death," Psalm 68:20 NKJV
“The Alarm”

The Alarm has sounded,
The thirteenth of July.
President Trump was attacked,
Someone wanted him to die.

The crowd was very peaceful,
The sky was blue and bright.
An evil man was stalking,
To take an innocent life.

The shots rang out like fireworks,
It happened oh so fast.
A concert of ammunition,
Announced the deadly blast.

The aim was very accurate,
The crowd was stunned with fear.
But praise the Lord for mercy,
The bullet hit just his ear.

Bystanders caught the brunt,
Of this pure evil scheme.
A life was lost and others shot,
Just for standing near the scene.

Enemies of freedom,
Attack as ugly cowards.
They do the work of Satan,
And use demonic powers.

Beware of those who cry for peace,
Who would take away your freedom.
They are blinded to the light,
That illuminates God's kingdom.

To the Lord alone, we give praise!
He lives for our salvation.
The God who brings escapes from death,
Can rescue our whole nation.

Carolyn McLarty
Eagle Forum Board
July 14, 2024
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