I want to update you on the Title IX mandates that the Biden Administration Department of Education handed to the states last spring. Remember that starting August 1st, these mandates will force all publicly funded K-12 and university schools to open female-designated spaces, such as restrooms, showers, and dormitories, to boys and men claiming to be girls and women.
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to prevent President Joe Biden’s far-reaching Title IX mandates. Unfortunately, the House measure is unlikely to pass in the Democrat-controlled Senate. Even if it does, the president will likely veto the mandate his administration fought to create.
We delivered a flood of signatures to governors around the nation, pressing them to take legal action to protect our girls and women from the revised mandates. Twenty-six governors have taken action! While twenty-four governors still refuse.
We thank the House of Representatives for taking action to protect our girls and women. But without the Senate and the White House, those efforts are valiant but ineffective.
It will take every governor to stop the madness; time is running out!
CitizenGO family, for the hold out governors to hear from us before August 1st!
Send a STRONG message to every hold out governor! Let us stand and protect women and girls!
Your signature will go directly to each of the governors who to this point, have refused to stand and defend the rights of women to private spaces! Let's turn up the heat!!!
Standing STRONG for Women and Girls, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends around the nation! Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Stand Up for Girl's and Women's Rights!
New Title IX mandates erase essential protections for women and girls in schools and universities.
Our Governors must immediately challenge these federal mandates.
Before the August 1 MANDATED deadline! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
New Title IX mandates include EVERY public school and university plus ALL private schools and universities receiving ANY federal funds.
On April 19, 2024, a new Title IX document was released by the Biden Administration's Education Department. This 1,577-page tome of regulations endangers our constitutional freedoms, erases women's and girls' rights, and will fundamentally shred women’s sports. The crux is this: these mandates require any federally funded school to open girls' facilities to biological boys who self-identify as girls. The same applies to girls who claim to be boys. Why is this urgent? Here's why: The new rules kick into action on August 1. This means the coming fall semester, we will witness a dramatic shift in our schools and universities as administrators scramble to comply. All female "extracurricular activities" and restrooms, locker rooms, and dormitories will be open to men and boys, and vice versa.
Stand with us, sign our petition calling on our Governors to protect our women and girls against these new Title IX federal mandates!
Now, let’s break this down.
1) The original language of Title IX was designed to protect women and girls from discrimination in education and sports.
2) This recent change throws that out of the window.
3) Suddenly, areas traditionally reserved for each sex based on their biology are being redefined, nullifying protections that the very same Title IX initially created.
The Department of Education and the new Title IX rules attempt to sound the death knell for the original mandate! However, legal action against these rules is not only possible but imminent. The resistance was immediate, as Louisiana, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina and Texas schools have been ordered by their governors to ignore the new Title IX federal mandates. We need 100% of our states to protect their women and girls!
We cannot be silent – Sign our petition asking our Governors to stand against these Title IX federal mandates!
Congress failed to amend the Title IX "sex" definition to include "gender identity" back in 1987, but we can make a difference now. Women and girls' protection should not be destroyed to accommodate supposed rights for males who claim female status. If these radical regulations are not halted, spaces where women and girls should feel safe, will be overrun, undoubtedly increasing cases of sexual violence and a rise in life-threatening sports injuries.
We are calling all governors to stand in defense of girls and women and abolish the new Title IX federal rules through legal and binding authority afforded to them.
These are urgent times! Sign the petition and call upon the State Governors to protect women and girls against the new Title IX mandates NOW! Standing For the Protection of Girls and Women, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If your schools are safe from these federal mandates, thank your governor! Then help us protect the rights of women and girls in every state by sharing this petition with as many people as possible following your signature.