Octopuses are highly intelligent, complex creatures with unique personalities – they even play together!
Yet a Spanish seafood giant is racing to open the first ever octopus mega-farm, where one million of these special animals will be stuffed into crowded tanks, then subjected to slow, stressful deaths.
Our community sprang into action earlier this year to stop this torture farm – and now a precedent-setting bill in California would ban both octopus farming and the sale of farmed octopus from anywhere.
When California changes laws, the rest of the US (and world!) often follow – like when they acted to clean up the state's smoggy air and raised air quality standards everywhere.
So this is our chance to stop octopus torture farms for good. If enough of us chip in, we can overwhelm decision-makers with a lobbying push from every corner of the planet. And once we win, we’ll do it again and again across the rest of the world.
We have just weeks before the final vote to make a difference – are you in?
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To meet the growing demand for octopus meat, corporations have been racing to find ways to breed octopus in captivity. Seafood mega-company Nueva Pescanova made a breakthrough…and then its plans to build a million-octopus farm in the Canary Islands were exposed.
Scientists quickly warned that keeping these brilliant creatures in captivity would lead to great suffering. Captive octopuses often manage to escape … and when they can’t, they’ve been known to eat their own arms and die in distress.
But despite outcry from around the world, the fact is that right now laws just don’t exist to prevent this torture farm from happening. And that’s where we come in.
Thanks to massive pressure, the California State Assembly just passed this important bill. Now we need to make sure it doesn’t get killed behind closed doors, and instead makes it to the Senate floor for a final vote before the Governor can sign it into law. And we’re going to make sure it passes.
Together we’ll unleash a lobbying push across Europe and everywhere octopus torture farms are planned, until there’s NO market for octopus killed in horrific captivity…anywhere.
Our team is ready to go – we just need the funds to make this massive. Will you help stop these octopus torture chambers?
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Massive factory farms are already a big enough problem – both because of the inhumane treatment of other animals like cows and pigs and their horrifying impact on our health and environment. The last thing we should be doing is expanding these practices to other brilliant, beautiful creatures.