Response from Hawaii Republican Chair,  on the Shooting of Donald J. Trump

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Donald Trump, his family, and the entire country during this difficult time. This senseless act of violence is a stark reminder that we, as Americans, must reject such actions and uphold our values of respect and civility. Our country is built on the principles of democracy and peaceful discourse.

Seeing Donald Trump raise his fist to signal that he is okay was a powerful message of resilience and hope, reinforcing that our nation can endure

and overcome adversity.

The Republican delegation is currently in Milwaukee, preparing for the upcoming National Convention. This gathering is a critical moment for our party and our country as we look forward to shaping the future together. We believe that Hawaii, with our spirit of Aloha and community, can serve as a beacon of unity. It is essential that we come together, not just as Republicans, but as Americans, to demonstrate that we stand united against violence and division. The values of Aloha teach us to show love, respect, and compassion to all, and these values are

more important now than ever.

Regardless of party affiliation, we must send a clear and unequivocal message that violence is never the answer. Our focus must remain on improving our country, addressing the challenges we face, and working towards a brighter future for all Americans. It is only through unity and collective effort that we can truly Make America Great Again. Let us honor this moment by recommitting ourselves to the ideals of unity and progress for our nation.

Tamara McKay
State Chair, Hawaii Republican Party