With a little less than 17 weeks between now and Election Day, now is the perfect time to start a weekly donation to help send Frank back to Congress.

With a little less than 17 weeks between now and Election Day, now is the perfect time to start a weekly donation to help send Frank back to Congress.

Can we count on you to step up and set up a weekly contribution today?

Donate Weekly!

So many people ask us what’s the best way they can help us re-elect Frank Mrvan.

Right now, with just a handful of weeks to go, it’s not an exaggeration to say one of the single best things you can do is set up a weekly recurring donation.

Your consistent dollars between now and Election Day will help us fully fund all of the campaigning work—from a strong field program to advertisements promoting Frank’s impactful results. We need to make sure Northwest Indiana knows all about Frank Mrvan’s strong record.

Can we count on you to start a weekly donation today? If not, no worries— even a one-time donation of just $25 or whatever fits into your budget will go far to help Frank win re-election >>

Start a Weekly Donation
Make a One-Time Donation

We can’t win without you!

Mrvan HQ