Also in this issue: Overruling of Chevron Deference | Liquefied Natural Gas Project on Gulf Coast
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National Audubon Society
Photo of two Elegant Terns on the shoreline.
Seabirds Will Benefit from New Bill to Update Federal Fisheries Law
Seabirds like Elegant Terns rely on small, schooling fish that are vulnerable to overfishing. The Sustaining America's Fisheries for the Future Act of 2024 will update our federal fisheries law to better protect seabirds and the food they need to survive. Read more and take action
Elegant Terns.
Photo of a Whooping Crane standing in shallow water.
Chevron Ruling Impacts Birds, Communities, and Our Planet
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled a doctrine known informally as “Chevron deference.” This decision will impact how critically important environmental laws that Audubon cares about are implemented moving forward. Read more
Whooping Crane.
Photo of a Red-headed Woodpecker on a tree trunk.
Proposed Bills Could Undermine Environmental Regulatory Standards
During the annual federal appropriations process, Audubon cautions against proposed funding bills that would strip critical conservation resources. Stay tuned for an Action Alert encouraging Congress to sustain and increase investments in clean energy, water, habitat conservation, and efforts to advance climate solutions. Read more
Red-headed Woodpecker.
Photo of Canada Geese in flight.
Canada Releases Plan to Fulfill its International Biodiversity Commitments
Canada—which hosts billions of breeding birds of hundreds of species—announced a new strategy to implement the country's ambitious goals to conserve 30% of its lands and waters by 2030. At the same time, the country proposed a new law that would enshrine in federal legislation Canada's commitment to protect nature well into the future. Read more
Canada Geese.
News from the Flyways
Impact Updates
Photo of a Black Rail.
Climate Corner
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the country’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminal to be built in southwest Louisiana. The footprint of the proposed facility would destroy habitat that supports the Eastern Black Rail—a threatened species that nests only a few inches above the ground, which means they are particularly susceptible to effects of climate change such as sea-level rise, high tides, and extreme storms. Audubon urges the Department of Energy to examine the cumulative impacts of LNG projects before approving any new infrastructure along the Gulf Coast. Read more
Black Rail.
A close-up photo of a Greater Sage-Grouse against a blurred background.
Your Actions at Work
Last month, we were pleased to submit 47,000 comments from Audubon supporters to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on their proposed resource management plans for 67 million acres of sagebrush habitat. This habitat is vital for Greater Sage-Grouse, a declining species that Audubon has fought to protect for more than two decades. Audubon and partner organizations are calling on the BLM to reverse the steep decline of Greater Sage-Grouse populations by choosing durable, science-based approaches. With your help, we hope to ensure that the Greater Sage-Grouse is kept off the endangered species list. Read more
Greater Sage-Grouse.
Photos from top: Sandrine Biziaux-Scherson/Audubon Photography Awards; Kenton Gomez/Audubon Photography Awards; Ben Stadler/Audubon Photography Awards; Norma Davila/Audubon Photography Awards; Scott Bowers/Audubon Photography Awards (left); Gail Patricelli/Audubon Photography Awards (right)
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