Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Saturday, July 13, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Carol Bauer
As you know, my wife, Carol, prepares a monthly prayer alert. I hope you will share Carol's thoughts with your friends and fellow worshipers. Thank you for taking an interest in her monthly devotion. -- Gary
Special Edition Prayer Alert
It feels to me as though the United States is barreling headlong toward a constitutional crisis. We are in unprecedented days when a sitting president shows hundreds of millions, in real time, allies and enemies alike, that he is not functioning at full mental capacity. And yet, he blithely brushes off what we all saw as just having a bad night, suffering from a cold … or jet lag ... or poor preparation after taking several days at Camp David to do just that.
This is not just a Joe Biden or Democrat Party problem. This is a national nightmare.
A major portion of our national press corps has seen the decline in the president for years, just as many of us have. Yet they refused to report it until it was blatantly obvious to all in real time.
We have all seen the tightly scripted events, the cheat sheets for questions/answers, the odd public moments, the nonsensical statements, the frustration, the low energy, the regular weekends at his beach house to rest. Now we know his work day is very limited and that the first lady is guiding him in many meetings and son, Hunter, is deeply immersed in running the White House. And yet, we were being told not to believe our lying eyes.
Who is running the country? A tiny circle of trusted aides who control what the president sees and hears. We all have engaged with elderly relatives who become defiant when challenged, are unable to process new information and cannot adjust to changing circumstances.
We now have a struggling and defiant president digging in his heels certain he can run the country for four and a half more years. And, we have Democrat political leadership in Washington flailing around for an answer to a constitutional crisis of their own making.
Please join me in prayer.
- Pray that the Lord would not lift His hand from our country. As He guided our Founding Fathers ask our Heavenly Father to prompt those in authority to put our country and its future above crass political decisions. Pray that those in authority would seek time away from the turmoil of the present crises to spend with the Lord and be open to His leading.
- Ask God to protect our nation in this time of crises from enemies who would seek to take advantage of our current turmoil. Lord, protect us from those who see weakness and uncertainty. Turn their plans into dust.
- Pray for the American press to become honest and objective in their reporting rather than seeing their role as pushing a particular agenda and, in doing so, being partly responsible for putting us in this situation.
- Pray for the younger generations among us. They will live with the decisions that are made in the next few weeks. Many are already disenchanted with our political leadership. Pray that they would not give up hope in our country and open their eyes to the bright future that could be theirs.
It is my prayer that in these critical days we would rise to be the “Shining City on a Hill” which our early leaders imagined us to be. We are at a crossroads. May God be with us and guide us.
