On Wednesday, Governor Walz signed the African American Family Preservation Act. The legislation makes modifications to child welfare provisions to promote the stability and security of African American and over-represented children in the child welfare system, and it ends the pattern of disproportionate removal from their families.
"Disparities in our child welfare system have persisted for too long. I was proud to sign the African American Family Preservation Act into law, preventing further harm. Prioritizing the well-being of our children today will pay off for generations to come," said Governor Walz.
"Family separation is the most traumatic event that can happen to a child, and Black children are removed from their homes at disproportionate rates," said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. "The African American Family Preservation Act will keep families together, strengthening the well-being of children in Minnesota."
 On Monday, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announced $150 million in newly available downpayment assistance loans for first-generation homebuyers. The loans will aid Minnesotans who have never owned a home, and whose parents have never owned a home, achieve their goal of homeownership. These funds will help 4,500 first-generation homebuyers purchase their first homes.
"Today in Saint Paul, Phillip – a first-generation homebuyer – showed us his new home. With $150 million in newly available downpayment assistance for first-generation homeowners, we’re helping Minnesotans like Phillip achieve their goal of homeownership," said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan.
Governor Walz announced that Minnesota is ranked sixth in the nation for business, according to a recent CNBC study. Minnesota’s ranking is based on 128 key indicators in 10 categories of competitiveness, including workforce, infrastructure, economy, quality of life, and business friendliness. Minnesota was also recently ranked the best state for independent retailers, according to a B2B Reviews study, and earlier this week, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport was named the best U.S. airport in 2024 by Travel + Leisure.
"These rankings are a testament to our focus on investing in key areas that make our businesses and economy strong: job training, workforce development, child care, and broadband access," said Governor Walz. "Businesses in top industries, from health care to renewable energy and manufacturing, understand the benefits of investing and growing in Minnesota."
Governor Walz co-chaired the Council of Governors’ 29th plenary meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah. The meeting focused on progress made on issues of homeland security, cybersecurity, emergency management and disaster response, issues impacting the Air and Army National Guard, and strategic defense budget planning.
"It was an honor to convene a bipartisan Council of Governors meeting today and discuss how we can work together to advance our shared goal of ensuring the safety and security of each of our states," said Governor Walz. "By strengthening partnerships across states and with the federal government, we can better tackle the most pressing issues facing our country: from emergency management and disaster response to cybersecurity."
