Dear John,
While COVID-19 is currently the most pressing public health emergency facing the nation, firearm suicide is an ongoing public health crisis that is exacerbated by COVID-19 and this time of self-quarantine. Help us prevent firearm suicide by pitching in today.
This new environment may easily lead to loneliness, economic uncertainty, escalating stress and distress, and risky alcohol use — all of which are risk factors for suicide. Even before this pandemic, firearm suicide was already at an all-time high; in 2018, the number of gun suicides surpassed 24,000 for the first time ever.
Firearm suicide is the leading form of gun violence in this country. As COVID-19 exacerbates the risk factors for suicidality, it is now more important than ever to take a comprehensive approach to preventing firearm suicide!
Now is the time to protect your loved ones! Remove guns from the home entirely or practice safer storage by storing firearms locked and unloaded, storing and locking ammunition separately from firearms, and ensuring the key or lock combination is inaccessible.
We are working around the clock to try to keep Americans safe by providing them with the resources they need. Our new report, available below, outlines a four step solution to prevent firearm suicide. Donate today to support our efforts to prevent firearm suicide and make gun violence rare and abnormal!
Stay safe,
Josh Horwitz
Executive Director
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
For more information and additional resources, we encourage you to visit our Prevent Firearm Suicide website and take a look at our newest report entitled “Firearm Suicide: Mitigating Risk During a Pandemic” with our four step solution for preventing firearm suicide.