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July 12, 2024
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Ask Our Republican Party Leaders to Uphold Life in Our Platform

On Monday, July 8th, the Republican Platform Committee met to adopt a new 2024 Platform to lay out the principles of the GOP for the next four years. While many were prepared to defend life from the womb to the tomb as the Platform has upheld for over 50 years, they were silenced. Through quick procedural maneuvering, the Platform Committee passed a short Platform without mentioning the unborn.
While the new Platform mentions the 14th amendment as guaranteeing “that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process,” it fails to clarify, as the 2016 Platform did, that the right to life should apply to children before birth. The new language goes on to say, “We oppose late-term abortion.” What about babies in the first or second trimester? This language is pro-choice at best.
Additionally, the 2024 Platform removed prior opposition to the following: public funding of abortion and groups that provide or promote it, healthcare that provides abortion, the selling of fetal body parts, sex-selective and disability-related abortion, forcing medical professionals to participate in abortion, as well as infanticide, human cloning, and euthanasia.
Pro-life delegates have written a minority report that states what Republicans should be defending when it comes to protecting the unborn. Our allies at Family Research Council have created a way to reach out to the Republican National Committee and Platform Chairs to let them know you support this language. Rather than do our own petition, we have decided that one petition with as many signatures as possible is a better way to get the message to the RNC. Please join us in calling on our Republican leaders to support the life language in the minority report!  
Read the Minority Report and sign the petition: Support the Minority Report the RNC Platform
Forward this message to all Pro-Life Republicans TODAY!  Time is short!!
Additional information: 
  • Read Tabitha Walter’s eye-witness account of the Platform Committee Meeting here.
  • Read the Eagle Forum Press release here.
  • Watch Utah Eagle Forum President & Platform Delegate Gayle Ruzicka’s viral interview about what happened in the Platform meeting here.
  • Read the letter from Advancing American Freedom that Eagle Forum President Kris Ullman signed here.
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