We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these scary times. If you are facing a health emergency please visit the CDC Healthchecker website. For questions about state resources, please visit our website to find a page dedicated to helpful resources. In the meantime, we will continue doing what we can to fight climate change. We’ll get through this together.
Dear John, Like you, I'm quarantined on the 50th anniversary of Earth Month. I occupy a roughly 10-square-block universe around my house. Yet I’ve discovered new activities that give me the power to act locally – and I mean inside my house and neighborhood – while keeping global climate change at the center of my activist life. Now, I’d like to share with you how you can get involved. Here’s a summary of actions to take this Earth Month: Today: Up your commitment to the climate fight. Take our survey to let us know how you want to plug in digitally. Today, or any time: Save local trees by removing invasive English Ivy vines. Learn more here and check out my blog post about saving trees in your neighborhood here. Friday, April 24, noon: Tune in to our Facebook page Friday for “Earth Day Live." On April 24th at noon ET, CCAN is hosting a cool hour-long program of music, yoga, and activism via zoom as part of the Earth Day Live event streaming worldwide. Sign up for CCAN's Friday Earth Hour Zoom event here. Learn more about Earth Day Live here. April 30, noon: Hop on your bike to protest Big Oil companies in DC. Sign up for more information on the creative DC bicycle action on April 30 here. If you just want to tune in to the activities by Zoom, sign up here. April 30, 8:00pm: Laugh! We’re hosting the first-ever CCAN comedy show to raise money for a local food bank. We are featuring noted climate comedian Robert Mac and other comics. Tickets for the CCAN comedy show for charity are just $10... get yours today. RSVP for May 5, 6:00pm: Two leaders trained by the Al Gore-run Climate Reality Project will hold a training about the climate crisis. They’ll discuss the latest science, how coronavirus ties in, and what we need to do next. This event will focus on impacts and solutions in Virginia, but all are welcome. RSVP today for the Climate Science Crash Course for Virginia activists. RSVP for May 6, 7:00pm: We're holding a second option for the Climate Science Crash Course in case you can't make the first. This event will focus on impacts and solutions in Maryland. RSVP today for the Climate Science Crash Course for Maryland activists. So there you have it. Seven ways to keep you busy fighting climate change super close to home during a global pandemic. In the meantime, stay safe, stay sane, stay active, and laugh whenever you can. Sincerely, Mike Tidwell -- Have you heard of our advocacy arm, CCAN Action Fund? CCAN Action Fund aims to create change in public policy through voter education, lobbying, and participation in the electoral process. Like CCAN Action Fund on Facebook to stay in the loop: Want to support our work? Click here to make a one-time or monthly donation. Did you receive this email from a friend? Click to sign up for updates. View this email in your web browser CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We also act as "first-responders" to federal action on the climate crisis and inspire climate action across the country. Update your contact information | Update your email subscriptions You can also unsubscribe at any time. |