for hardworking families

Team -- I’ve led the charge in Congress to lift the SALT deduction cap and put an end to the unfair tax burden it’s placed on American families.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, that fight is more urgent than ever.


When the cap was introduced in the 2017 GOP tax bill, it took a huge economic toll on middle-class families in our state. It also hit our state and local governments -- a key line of defense for the coronavirus -- hard.

The SALT deduction strengthened our state and local programs, including programs designed to protect public health and support low-income families and first-responder services. The cap chips away at those programs, and as a result, our ability to protect our communities in crises like the one we face now.

The coronavirus poses serious threats to our public health and economic security. Lifting the SALT deduction cap would offer immediate relief for both working families and our communities.

As a former Navy pilot, I also know that we need to be able to deploy a full-throated response in times of crisis. We need to deploy every tool in our toolbox to help New Jerseyans at this unprecedented time.

That’s why I’ve joined a bipartisan coalition -- urging Congress to make lifting the SALT deduction cap a priority for the next COVID-19 relief package.

We are united in this fight, but we need your support, too.

Please add your name to mine if you agree we must give our communities all of the tools possible to respond to this crisis and ensure hardworking families’ economic security by putting hard-earned money back in their pockets.

Thank you and take care,


Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043

Mikie Sherrill was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy. Use of her military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the Department of Defense.