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At the Progressive Party We Represent the People.

Real Change and not Dark Money and SuperPACs.

The voice of a new generation

Racist incidents and hate crimes on the rise

Over the past few days, right wing's have launched odd new lines of attacks against American people to divide us.

They are using racist language and slurs to discriminate, to differentiate and to separate.   They are afraid, because we demand from politicians to represent people and not money.

Let us be clear, more and more people are joining the progressive movement. The Progressive Party fights because we believe in real change, health care should be a right for everyone in this country, that kids of all backgrounds should be able to go to college without crushing debt, and that we cannot transform a corrupt system by taking its money.

Can we count on you to contribute $3 to our movement right now as a way of saying you are with the Progressives and believe in the value we share?

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Bernie Sanders- 2020 — Donate Now
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The Progressive Ideas 2020 Election
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Ban Assault Weapons Now
Assault weapons should not be used by civilians and have no place in our cities and towns. Las Vegas. Dallas. Orlando. Sandy Hook. Aurora. San Bernardino. How many more? What…

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