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Tomorrow's Webinar: Educating – and protecting – kids during the pandemic
Do you remember February? Back then, over 50 million young people were enrolled in K-12 schools. Seemingly overnight, many of us became homeschool families or distance learning educators. The young people in our lives rely on us and the resources we provide — not just for lesson plans, but also for structure, safety and support while we rely on online platforms that so many of us were previously unfamiliar with.
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Please join us tomorrow, April 22 at 4:30 p.m. ET for the latest webinar in our Fighting Hate from Home series: Educating — and protecting — young people during the pandemic.
We will be joined by Jim Steyer, founder and CEO of Common Sense Media, to learn the best ways to provide students with a strong and inclusive education, and at the same time protect them from online harassment while they are plugged in for so many hours.
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Watch last week's webinar - "Preventing Zoombombing and Using New Zoom Tools for Safer Meetings"
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Online Town Hall to Stop COVID-Related Hate
Anti-Asian and anti-Jewish hate incidents have exploded due to the pandemic. Since March, Asian Americans have reported over 1,600 acts of physical or verbal abuse across the country. Please join CUAH and our co-sponsors to learn more about this problem and how you can help.
ADL Washington, D.C. Senior Associate Regional Director, Meredith Weisel, will join the panel along with Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh, Maryland State Senator Susan Lee, Montgomery County Office of Human Rights Director Jim Stowe, Asian Pacific American Community Leader Judge Chung Pak and CUAH Senior Advisor Aryani Ong.
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ADL, LULAC and Unidos US Present: Hate in the Time of Coronavirus Webinar
We are deeply concerned about how the coronavirus has impacted vulnerable communities and continues to highlight and perpetuate inequities in our society.
In partnership with LULAC and Unidos US, we are proud to present “Hate in the Time of Coronavirus.” In this webinar, we will focus on the impacts of the coronavirus in the Latino and immigrant communities, ADL’s Center on Extremism state of hate, best practices on hate crimes and how we must work together in these difficult times.
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