
It’s going to be a bad week for Big Oil in Los Angeles.

It’s going to be a bad week for L.A. Republicans too. (See above.)

And it’s going to be a downright, no-good, awful week for every suit in town who would have our city shirk it’s fight against a currently impending climate catastrophe.

That’s because this Tuesday, voters in Chatsworth, Northridge, Granada Hills, and Porter Ranch, representing City Council District 12, will deliver a clear-throated message, not just to Los Angeles and California, but to the rest of the country as well, when they vote to elect Loraine Ludquist to City Council!

And the message they will send is this:

It’s time to fight back against the corporations who knowingly threaten to destroy our planet and our children’s futures for their profit.

It’s time to fight back against the complicit politicians and officials who have long ago checked out from caring about the working class people who will be most affected by climate change, rampant gentrification, and more.

Loraine Lundquist, a scientist, teacher, and activist, knows that climate change is real! Further, she cares that it is! 

Her opponent, John Lee, a puppet for the petroleum lobby and the LADWP union, parrots both of his funders' talking points that enacting a Green New Deal might hurt their bottom line.

In fact, Lee's allies (AKA oil companies) have spent around $250,000 to smear Loraine for her association with … us! DSA-LA! Can you imagine? We’re almost flattered!

At a time when two or three of the most popular politicians in the United States are democratic socialists… 

At a time when Gallup says that at least four out of ten Americans hold a favorable view of socialism, and that number is only rising… 

At a time like this, John Lee thinks that associating Loraine with OUR organization, which fights tirelessly for the rights of working people over corporations, will hurt her chances in the election.

Well, we welcome Lee and Big Oil’s attention, if only to say goodbye to them this Tuesday.

Do you or a friend need a ride to the polls to vote in CD12 on Tuesday? Let us know. Email [email protected], tell us where you’re coming from, and we’ll try to arrange a ride for you. We have volunteer drivers ready to help.

And while we’re on the topic of electing great folks...

Our new Bernie 2020 Working Group will have its first meeting on Saturday! 

We are SO EXCITED to get started on the DSA-LA for Bernie 2020 Campaign! 

All members are invited to come to the DSA-LA for Bernie 2020 Kick-Off Meeting at UTLA in room 815 on Saturday, August 17th at 1:00 p.m.

The team will be doing an overview of the working group structure and then host break-out sessions to discuss goals, roles and timelines.

This is the time to bring your ideas about what kind of work the group should do and what kinds of coalitions we should create - all ideas are welcome! RSVP here.

Working Group Leadership Nominees:

As outlined in the Bernie 2020 Working Group Proposal, we have a lot of new leadership roles to fill. To encourage member participation, we are asking for those who are interested to self-nominate or to nominate comrades you feel would be great for these positions.  Ultimately, it is the decision of each committee to appoint or elect their liaisons to the working group, but in order to be considered you must let them know you are interested!

The deadline for nominations is Saturday, August 17th at Midnight.

Appointees will be decided by Saturday, August 24th.

Please fill out this Bernie 2020 Working Group Nomination Form if you'd like to be considered for a role.


Monday, August 12th

All Day: Volunteer to phonebank and canvass for Loraine: RSVP

6:00 p.m: Immigration Justice Committee meeting: RSVP

7:30 p.m: Membership Committee meeting: RSVP

Tuesday, August 13th


And all day: Volunteer to phone bank and canvass for Loraine: RSVP

Wednesday, August 14th

12:30 p.m: UCLA labor rally for Med Center Residents: RSVP

4:00 p.m: #JackieLaceyMustGo: w/ Black Lives Matter LA, White People 4 Black Lives, and more, RSVP

Thursday, August 15th 

7:00 p.m: Housing & Homelessness Committee meeting + Tenants Rights 101, RSVP

7:00 p.m: Political Education Committee meeting, RSVP

8:00 p.m: Meet & Greet w/ socialist Judge Franklin Bynum of Houston DSA, RSVP

Saturday, August 17th

11:00 a.m: DSA 101, South Central, RSVP

1:00 p.m: Bernie 2020 Working Group meeting, RSVP

Sunday, August 18th

2:30 - 8 p.m: Food Not Bombs, LA, RSVP

Solidarity Forever! 🌹 





Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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