Ben Cline - United States Congress (logo)

When will it stop?

Under President Biden’s radical policies, 170,723 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in May, meaning approximately 5,500 crossed each day.

These outrageous numbers mark the 39th month of higher encounters than any month under President Trump. 

We need real border security, and as your Congressman for Virginia’s 6th District, I vow to fight for common sense solutions – not reckless policies.

Your support can make a difference as we enter a crucial election season. By donating today, you help us fight against the left’s misguided immigration policies. 

Please consider donating $25, $50, $100, or any amount you can afford to support our campaign.

Thank you for standing with us.

Ben Cline Signature
Ben Cline
Paid for by Ben Cline for Congress, Inc.

Ben Cline

P.O. Box 1790, Harrisonburg, VA 22803
