Dear Friend,
You’ve heard from me a lot over the past few weeks about our work to support LGBTQ youth through the heightened stress and anxieties they may be experiencing during COVID-19. The number of calls, chats, and texts from LGBTQ youth to The Trevor Project’s 24/7 crisis services have doubled in the last couple of weeks. LGBTQ youth need us, and they may not be able to find support anywhere else.
The COVID-19 pandemic is top of mind for the youth who reach out to The Trevor Project for support. In fact, mentions of the pandemic have increased more than 60 times over the last month. The Trevor Project is working tirelessly, 24/7, to meet the increased demand of LGBTQ youth seeking support during this pandemic.
With the current pandemic, our needs are shifting. In order to serve more young people amidst this crisis, we’re asking for funds from our online community to ensure we can continue and expand our work serving LGBTQ young people and saving young lives. Will you join us with a donation of any amount to make sure LGBTQ youth get the support they deserve? Your donations will allow us to reach more young people during this time and save more young lives for years to come.