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What happened in Wisconsin earlier this month was a disgrace to our democracy. Amid a deadly pandemic, hundreds of polling places were shut down, voters were forced to wait in hours-long lines, and thousands of people who requested absentee ballots weeks ago did not get them in time.

Chris is fighting to expand early voting, no-excuse absentee vote by mail, and online voter registration so that no one will have to risk their lives, and the lives of others, in order to exercise their constitutional right to vote. If you're with him, add your name to demand Mitch McConnell protect Americans' right to vote during the coronavirus pandemic.


Expanding voting rights should not be a partisan issue. While many leaders across the country, including many Republican governors, have prioritized the health and safety of the American people, President Trump has followed Wisconsin's GOP playbook, falsely claiming that voting by mail is "corrupt."

Trump voted by mail himself, but admitted on Fox News that if everyone else voted by mail "you'd never have a Republican elected again."

Unless we act, millions of Americans will be forced to choose between their health and their right to vote come November. Help Chris fight back, add your name now.

Thank you,

Team Coons


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