The threat to Israel’s future as a democracy and to fundamental Palestinian rights has never been more real. We need your support to wage a campaign over the next 71 days that meets the urgency of the moment.
J Street

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Under the terms of the coalition agreement struck yesterday by Benny Gantz and Prime Minister Netanyahu, annexation of large swaths of the West Bank can begin as early as July 1.

Even in the face of an unprecedented pandemic, Netanyahu and the Israeli right remain determined to carry out the illegal, unilateral annexation of Israeli settlements while Trump remains in office, ready to rubber-stamp their body blow to Israeli democracy and prospects for a two-state solution.

At J Street, we’re going to do everything in our power to stand in their way. Over the next 71 days, we’ll be mounting a massive campaign alongside our allies in Israel to stop annexation and prevent Trump and Netanyahu from dooming Israelis and Palestinians to endless conflict and permanent occupation.

We need your support now more than ever. Chip in now to fund the campaign to stop annexation >>

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Unfortunately, if the Knesset vote were held today, it’s likely Netanyahu would have the support to pass annexation legislation. That’s why we need to stand with our progressive allies in Israel, and why we must push pro-Israel, pro-peace leaders here in the US to speak out now, before it’s too late.

Much of our work over the next 71 days will be dedicated to ensuring that lawmakers and our nominee for president make it absolutely clear that US support for annexation will end with Trump’s presidency next January.

Specifically, we’ll be asking these leaders to make clear that:

  • The US would not recognize annexed West Bank territory as part of Israel
  • The US would not foot the bill for the implementation of annexation, and would impose restrictions to prevent US military equipment and resources from being used to support illegal annexation
  • Neither Congress nor the next administration would provide diplomatic cover for the Netanyahu government when inevitably rebuked for annexation in international fora
  • Additional measures would be considered to impose consequences for annexation and reaffirm America’s commitment to a just and sustainable two-state solution

These are the measures we’ll be advocating in the media, in our meetings with congressional offices and on the campaign trail over the next 71 days. We’ll also be continuing our push to make sure the next Democratic platform expresses opposition to occupation and annexation and includes support for Israeli security AND Palestinian rights.

The threat to Israel’s future as a democracy and to fundamental Palestinian rights has never been more real. We need your support to wage a campaign over the next 71 days that meets the urgency of the moment.

Please chip in what you can.

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We have 71 days to fight annexation. Let’s make them count.

Thank you for your support,

Jeremy Ben-Ami
President, J Street

P.S. I wanted to take this opportunity to offer a special thank you to all those who have donated since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. The non-profit sector has been hard hit by the crisis, and I know I speak for myself, our board and the entire staff when I say we have never been more deeply grateful to have your support.

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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