Dear John,

I’m excited to report back that we met our goal and 1,000,000 face masks will be sent to locations where they are needed the most. 

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we were able to raise 550,000 Euros! These funds will be used to finish purchasing the 1,000,000 face masks (we already paid the last invoice!) and to cover the costs of taxes and delivery... and also to work with local charities helping to distribute to health professionals personal protective equipment.   

Thank you for helping us keep our promise!

Face masks are now in the process of being transported (the first 400,000 have already been sent), where they are needed most, all over the world, to help protect nurses, doctors, and first responders -- who are serving on the frontlines in the fight against Coronavirus. 

If you are receiving this email, it’s because you’re part of a special group of people. We take our commitment to defend and support the right to life seriously. Whether it’s pre-born babies, the elderly, the ill or most vulnerable, or healthcare workers -- “Every life is precious.” 

And, yet again, you’re proving that to be true. In fact, with each delivery, boxes with the face masks are labeled with this slogan. 

Check out this short video we received from the shipping warehouse. This was taken moments before the first shipment of face masks were loaded into private charters to their final destination:

The spread of the Coronavirus has tested many of us. But, it was especially hard for the CitizenGO team to sit idle for weeks as nurses and doctors in hospitals and our first responders pleaded for basic personal protective equipment. 

As a result of our combined efforts, 400,000 face masks were sent to Spain in the first shipment a few days ago. And, we met our goal to have 600,000 face masks shipped to Italy, the USA (New York), UK, The Netherlands, Brazil, Croatia, Hungary, and Poland. 

Additionally, your donation made it possible for us to work with charities in Germany, France, Slovakia, Ecuador, and the United States. It will be used by charities to purchase additional personal protective equipment for healthcare workers in local hospitals. 

We are working to gather precise information as to where and how each donation will be used. We hope to have that information in the coming days. 

Overall, this successful campaign is a victory for our mission for the right to life. Nurses, doctors, patients, healthcare workers, and first responders were waiting for this type of assistance, and because of your support, it came through.


Lastly, our commitment to you has remained consistent. 

We have demonstrated that the entire CitizenGO team is ready to work tirelessly to defend life, to promote our shared values. We need your continued support to sign and share our petitions and support our campaigns. 

It's up to us to remain ever so watchful to what our government officials are doing in Washington D.C.

We are in this together. Thank you for your support!

God bless,

Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team

P.S. Would you like to support CitizenGO's work? The CitizenGO community will work every moment, day by day and year by year, to defend life, family and freedom. And to do it CitizenGO needs your ongoing support, now more than ever. If this is work you are proud of and you have the means, please consider making a regular contribution to our movement. 5 Dollars a month means we can always keep up the fight.