America’s elite fighting force is still battling against religious discrimination.
First Liberty represents dozens of U.S. Navy SEALs who were threatened with punishment, involuntary separation and even court-martial. Why? Because they sought a legal, religious accommodation to the military vaccine mandate.
These heroes have been fighting in court for nearly three years. Now, we are very close to a potential settlement with the government.
On July 24th, we have a hearing on the settlement of their lawsuit. Attorney Danielle Runyan joins us today on First Liberty Live! to give you a case update.

Just as America’s Navy SEALs never give up on their country when serving, we at First Liberty will never give up on our service members.
Because of the nature of their service, Navy SEALs cannot publicly defend their faith or even themselves against religious discrimination. That’s why these heroes need brave people like you to join them in the fight for faith.
Thanks to YOU, First Liberty continues to be the greatest hope for victory for military service members, for the heroes and their families who sacrifice so much to protect our freedoms.
Will you stand with this elite fighting force as they continue the battle for faith and freedom?