
It’s so hot outside that 160 million Americans are living under extreme heat warnings. 

In some cities, infrastructure has stopped working, rescue helicopters have been ordered not to fly, and roads are literally breaking.

Look what happened to State Route 111 in Washington. The damage might seem small, but traffic’s been affected and the situation could get worse as this heat wave continues.

A photo of the road in Washington where the heat has caused the pavement to buckle. The damage looks like the road has ripped open under force.

Death Valley reached 128 degrees on Tuesday, just six degrees below the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth, and over a dozen California cities have broken all-time high temperature records this week. Next door in Nevada, Las Vegas has reached record temps five days in a row.


In Houston, Texas, hospitals are backed up with victims of Hurricane Beryl who have lacked adequate treatment since the heat killed the city’s electricity. John, there’s a three-hour wait for an ambulance. 


At least four people have died in Oregon from heat-related illnesses, and 4-month-old Tanna Rae Wroblewski’s parents lost their daughter to the heat last Friday.

A photo of a beaming 4-month-old Tanna wearing a tractor onesie and a blue bow on her head.

While all of this is happening and Americans are DYING, Mike Simpson is in the House cutting funding to the Environmental Protection Agency and blocking clean energy initiatives that would help combat the climate crisis.


Any member of Congress who says that climate change is a hoax or that we don’t need to ACT NOW, while Americans are dying from the heat EVERY summer, is either unfit for the role or lying to serve their donors.

Mike Simpson has blocked projects that would create hundreds of new jobs in Idaho and reduce carbon emissions. 


It’s not that Simpson doesn’t believe climate change is happening. He knows it is! He just doesn’t care.

 A graphic featuring a photo of Mike Simpson and a headline from Grift. The headline reads “GOP Rep. Mike Simpson: It’s my party, and I’ll fight climate change if I want to.” A subheading reads: “Climate change is a reality,” said Rep. Simpson.

He could fight this. I guess he just doesn’t want to. That’s because his loyalty is to his Big Oil donors and corporate interests, NOT Idaho voters or our country.


John, I have never been rich, and I never will be. I’m running for ID-02’s seat because Simpson has given Idaho families zero support against harsh economic conditions, an unfair healthcare system, or crises like the one unfolding now.


We deserve better. We deserve leaders who will work to improve life for every American, regardless of who their donors are, and who will protect families like mine and yours.


If you agree, and I know you do, then I need your help to stay in this race and kick out Mike Simpson in November, before another summer devastates innocent, hardworking families.


Thank you,




David Roth is a single, gay dad running for Idaho’s Second Congressional District. We’re going up against a GOP incumbent who has been in this seat for 25 years. It’s time for change in Idaho, and our grassroots campaign is building on the momentum that began in David’s race for U.S. Senate last cycle. The GOP is not planning to defend this seat, so we plan to take it from them and help Democrats retake the House majority next year. We’d love your support to build a solid campaign to bring progress to Idaho and the country.


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