Mikie is a patriot. Her opponent is an extremist.

Paid for by Mikie Sherrill

Team, the contrast between Mikie and her MAGA insurrectionist opponent couldn't be more stark.

On Independence Day last week, Mikie proudly celebrated our great nation with friends and neighbors across the district. As she does every July 4th, she attended the annual reading of the Declaration of Independence at Morristown National Historical Park to remind us of the founding values of our country — and how it takes all of us to sustain our democracy.

Mikie at Morristown National Historic Park

Meanwhile, Mikie’s insurrectionist opponent treated Independence Day like a MAGA party — holding “Make America Great Again” signs and posing with supporters who dangerously claim that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

Mikie's MAGA opponent

Mikie’s opponent is not running to represent New Jersey — he’s running to represent Donald Trump and enable his dangerous agenda from the halls of Congress. We can’t let this happen.

Folks, will you pitch in $10 today to help send Mikie back to Congress, send Mikie’s opponent packing, and deliver Democrats the House majority this November?

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Thank you for your support,

Team Mikie

Headshot of Mikie Sherrill

Mikie Sherrill, a Navy veteran and mother of four, flipped New Jersey's 11th Congressional District blue in 2022 for the first time in decades. 

As a Naval Academy graduate, Navy pilot, and former federal prosecutor, Mikie has spent her entire life serving our country. Now, she's running for reelection to continue making New Jersey the best place to work, live, and raise a family.

Chip in to help Mikie defend her seat and flip the House blue!