Hey John, it's Julie Merz. As the Executive Director for the DCCC, I help guide House Democrats back into the Majority.

The work to win back our Majority is well underway, and Leader Jeffries and the entire Democratic caucus are counting on this team to show up each and every day to help flip the House blue.

That's why I need to ask for something a little bit bigger than I usually would: $1.

$1 today, and another $1 every week until voters cast their ballots on Election Day. John, knowing we can count on your $1 -- and the support of countless other Democrats chipping in $1 alongside you -- could be the difference between winning and losing in November. I'll explain more in a moment, but if this is all you need to hear, please begin a weekly recurring donation to the DCCC today. >>

Please use the links in this email to start a weekly recurring donation through ActBlue.
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John, I've worked in politics for a long time -- I know what it takes to win.

It takes long-term investments to turn out voters.

It takes innovative ads and organizing programs to spread our message and engage our communities.

And, of course, it takes overwhelming support from grassroots supporters like you to fund our strategy to win back the House.

But here's why a weekly recurring $1 gift from you is SO vital, John: It empowers us to plan even further ahead and make ground shifting investments before Republicans can.

It's no secret that our House Democrats are facing an uphill battle to defeat some of the MOST extreme Republicans in Congress. And I know that $1 doesn't seem like much compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars that Republicans are spending. But if every Democrat reading this email started a weekly recurring donation today, it could fundamentally alter the trajectory of this Election. So please, John: Can our House Democrats count on your $1 a week to help take back the House?

Thank you,

Julie Merz
Executive Director

Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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