Dear John,

Every day I am reminded how thankful we are to you. Friends like you, giving generously, make possible everything that happens here at the American Fondouk. You’re bringing help and healing to working animals with illnesses and injuries, and you’re sustaining the families who depend on them every single day. So I thank you sincerely.

More families are turning to us for help with their working horses, donkeys, and mules. Despite significant limitations in our facilities and equipment, our dedicated staff serve tirelessly. With every animal we save, we have cause for celebration.

We also celebrate the occasional special blessing from generous friends like you. A few weeks ago, thanks to the generosity of caring friends, we were able to purchase our first-ever anesthesia machine. This will improve the quality of our care for animals in need of anesthesia. Cause for celebration indeed! To learn more about recent developments, our Compassion newsletter highlights some of the achievements that you’ve made possible, through your generous support.

We still have urgent needs: an operating room, a new operating table, and a hematology analyzer for complete blood counts. Your continued support will improve our ability to heal animals and save lives.

We need to be ready whenever a family arrives with a sick or injured animal. We're also assisting people from as far as Marrakesh, over 300 miles away, after a devastating earthquake caused widespread damage — in an area with countless numbers of people and working animals. Your support helps us heal these working animals and support families in need.

You’re making a real difference, in so many ways, through your faithful support of the American Fondouk. Thank you for everything!

With my deepest thanks,


Dr. Ahmed Khairoun
American Fondouk


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