The UK badly needs a democracy upgrade
Text that says Heat Strike in red on a plain yellow background

Hello John

We’re going to Windsor.  


Our political system isn't up to the task of responding to a climate and ecological crisis. For all the fanfare about the election, the change in government is unlikely to bring about the change we need because the system itself is broken.

If we are going to avoid disaster, we will have to make difficult choices for the long term, collaboratively, in a fair way that isn’t biased towards a powerful or wealthy minority. We need to modernise the political system so that it can deal with the problems of today’s world, and work better for everyday people.

But why Windsor? 
We are not targeting any person, but the broken system. Windsor Castle is a symbol of that system. We know that the reigning monarch is sympathetic to the plight of the planet. As then-Prince Charles wrote in 2010 “This is a call to revolution. The Earth is under threat. It cannot cope with all that we demand of it." We will say what he, and millions of others, are thinking. 

What will happen?

From 30th August to 1st September, we will have three days of beauty, creativity, community, action and democracy. Detailed programme to be released soon.

Find out more!

Love and Rebellion,


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