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Public Consultation:

Our Strategic Plan 20252028 

Thursday 11 July 2024

Today, we are launching a public consultation on our upcoming three-year Strategic Plan.

This twelve-week consultation encourages individuals and organisations to share their views on our future direction as Britain’s independent equality and human rights regulator.

We have identified three key areas where we can drive improvements and create long-term change. These are:

  • Work

  • Participation and good relations

  • Justice and the balance of rights

Our actions over the next three years will be guided by the feedback from this consultation, our analysis of data and evidence and by our extensive understanding of the equality and human rights challenges facing people in Britain.

Everyone is invited to participate by completing a survey on our website. Running from 11 July until 3 October 2024, respondents can review a draft of our Strategic Plan 2025-28 before completing the public survey on our website.

Responses collected in the survey will be anonymised and analysed before being published in a report alongside the final plan in March 2025.

Read more about our Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028 consultation
Read an Easy Read summary of the draft Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028
Watch a BSL video of our draft Strategic Plan 2025 – 2028

Take part in the consultation

Complete our survey to provide feedback on which equality and human rights issues we should work on over the next three years.

You can save your progress in the survey at any point and return to it at a later date.

Fill in the survey

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