The struggle to grow only native plants is real, but we can help. | 
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National Audubon Society
Rose-breasted Grosbeak on Red Elderberry.
The Difference Between Native, Non-native, and Invasive Plants
Research shows that native plants can help create a healthier ecosystem that supports a higher diversity of wildlife. The plants we choose for our yards, gardens, and public spaces have a huge impact on birds, yet so much of ornamental landscaping is dominated by non-native species.  

How do we know what to replace? Differentiating between native plants, non-native plants, and invasive plants can be both simple and nuanced. We break it down for you, and provide some alternatives to plants you might have in your backyard or local box store. 
Learn more
Rose-breasted Grosbeak on Red Elderberry. Photo: Shirley Donald/Audubon Photography Awards
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